by David Baer, November 20, 2022
How do we find a usable future in the here and now? Imagine with God, whose imagination and hope and will not only describe but make a future that is real and lasting.

Sermons preached at Highlands Presbyterian Church:
by David Baer, November 20, 2022
How do we find a usable future in the here and now? Imagine with God, whose imagination and hope and will not only describe but make a future that is real and lasting.
by David Baer, November 6, 2022
God works extraordinary blessings through ordinary things and ordinary people.
by David Baer, October 23, 2022
When we do wrong, God opens the way to forgiveness and new beginnings by challenging us to confess and take a new direction.
by David Baer, October 16, 2022
The story of covenant begins with God’s generous gifts, but it doesn’t end before we choose how we respond to God’s gifts.
by David Baer, October 9, 2022
God’s love is your starting line for the race, not the finish. You are running with God’s grace, not after it. So there is no way you can miss it or fail to reach it. We each run our race not to win God’s love as a kind of prize, but out of the joy and gratitude God’s love has already brought us.
by David Baer, October 2, 2022
God is not neutral. When oppressive powers hold us captive, God fights to liberate us.
by David Baer, September 25, 2022
We are not indestructible, but God’s promise is. When we seek to live inside that promise, injustice loses its power, God’s blessing flows into unlikely places, and God accompanies us toward a future that is good, life-giving, and lasting.
by David Baer, September 18, 2022
Sometimes WHO is asking for our trust matters more than WHAT they are asking of us. Through the story of Abraham and Sarah, we meet the God who asks us to set out in a new direction.
by David Baer, September 11, 2022
We lose our way. We choose the things that harm us and sweep us toward destruction. But God continues to look at us with favor, reaching out a hand to preserve life and make a new beginning.
by David Baer, September 4, 2022
What feelings do the people and the things we hold close to us provoke in us? What do those feelings teach us about our relationship with God?